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Keefer, Robert, et al. "Intentional and Responsible: Incorporating Social Values Into the Design Process." IJT vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-13.


Keefer, R., Zohar, N., & Douglas, L. J. (2024). Intentional and Responsible: Incorporating Social Values Into the Design Process. International Journal of Technoethics (IJT), 15(1), 1-13.


Keefer, Robert, Nadav Zohar, and Lisa J. Douglas. "Intentional and Responsible: Incorporating Social Values Into the Design Process," International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 15, no.1: 1-13.

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Intentional and Responsible: Incorporating Social Values Into the Design Process

International Journal of Technoethics (IJT)

The International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) advances scholarship on the impact of ethics in technological advances and applications, both in established areas (e.g. computer ethics, engineering ethics, and biotech ethics) and new areas of research (e.g. nanoethics, artificial morality, and neuroethics). As a semi-annual journal that publishes empirical research, theoretical studies, innovative methodologies, practical applications, case studies, and book reviews, IJT provides moral and ethical aspects of technology in society.

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